Health And Kiwi Fruit

We all know how beneficial fruits are for our health. Fruits are rich in all the nutrients that are necessary for the body and also cure various diseases. Kiwi fruits are palm sized, have a brown thin covering on the outside and green pulpy fruit inside. They are sweet and tangy to taste and are packed with essential nutrients.

Gastric problems: Kiwi fruits are known to cure digestive problems like gas, indigestion and acidity.

Stress and sleep problems: anti-oxidants present in the kiwi fruits relieve the stress. Regular consumption of Kiwi reduces the oxidative stress that can damage our DNA and also stimulate a healthy sleep cycle.

Lmmune System: Kiwi fruit is rich in Vitamin C which stimulates the body’s immune system and increases stamina for physical as well as mental activities.

Blood Pressure Problems: Kiwi fruits also contain bioactive substances that are known to lower risk of high blood pressure.

Respiratory Problems: the high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants present in that kiwis have been proven to help patients suffering from asthma. Kiwis are also known to boost lung health and reduce seasonal wheezing in children.


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